Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mostar; which currency?

I will only be in Mostar for two days. Which currency is mandatory, or may I use Euros or ?

Likewise, if the highway from Dubrovnik has a toll, how does one pay and with which currency?


Euros are generally accepted but otherwise you would be using the Bosnian Marka.

I don%26#39;t recall there being a toll to enter Dubrovnik just a very long wait to cross the border as it is a check point. I would therefore advise for you to not go at peak sunlight hours since you could be stuck in your car in the heat for quite a while.


OK no summer heat at the checkpoint. I%26#39;m still wondering if trinket sellers and restaurants will take Kuna, Euros, Dollars.I%26#39;d rather not use the Marks if possible. Anyone have experience?


I don%26#39;t think they will take dollars.

When I was there I didn%26#39;t have enough marks and didn%26#39;t particularly want to get any more as I was going to be leaving Bosnia shortly, so I did use Croatian kuna and Euros to pay for some items, but as said on fodors (playing detective here LOL!) the sellers use their own exchange rate, they work it out on a calculator but it will not be in your favour.

If you are there for 2 days why not stop by an ATM when you arrive and get out 50 dollars worth of marks? It will make things easier for you.

There is no toll on the road back into Dubrovnik. But there are fines for speeding so do stick to the speed limit, although at times it seems painfully slow and you are being overtaken constantly even by buses and trucks. Those vehicles will have BiH plates, and you will probably have Croatian plates which will single you out.



Agreed that there will not be a toll on the road from Dubrovnik. The wait at the border might be slow though, but not sure what time of the year you are going. I was trying to remember what currency we used and I think most of us had Euro, but if I remember right they gave change back in the Mark. Have a great time in beautiful Mostar!!


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