Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bosnian Accent Help

Hi guys, I%26#39;m not sure if anyone can help me with this odd request, but I need help with an accent for a play I am in!

Can anyone perhaps (long shot I know) provide me with a link to someone speaking English with a Bosnian accent? I have tried searching U Tube but haven%26#39;t had much luck.



hey there,

I think this should help!!! :-D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0SpNlJGtdM


Hey thanks, I really appreciate you taking the time to look for me...unfortunately I had already found that clip!

Wondering if anyone might be able to help me with the English phonetics for a few town names used during the play....

Banja Luka

Donji Vakuf



Hi, sorry I can%26#39;t really help with finding things on the internet, but was just in Bosnia a few weeks ago, and I noticed people there pronounced Banja Luka like %26#39;Banya Luka%26#39;...sorry I know that probably isn%26#39;t much help, but better than nothing...


Banja Luka will be pronaunced as Banya Luka

NJ sound is same as Spanish Nin~o=child or English new.

Donji/Gornji Valuf will be Donyi/Gornyi Valuf with very hard f on the end of Vakuf.

I suggest to get yourself LP Eastern Europe pocket phrase dictionary, price £4.99 from any good bookshop.

There you can find Serbo/Croatian as well as many other EE languages.

Whoever was the author,they realy know their languages.

I often use it when I teach Macedonia %26amp; Serbo-Croatian.

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