Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Has anyone travelled by train Mostar - Sarajevo


I am desperate for any feed back %26amp; info on travelling by public transport...Mostar to Sarajevo in Oct%26#39;08.

Starting from Dubrovnik... would love to travel by train for part of this trip...or is bus the only way to go..if so what company...etc. Need an English website.

Many thanks Liz


I am from Sarajevo and yes there is train line Sarajevo-Mostar. It is the best way to travel. Trains are ancient but it ads to adventure. sorry for bad english



Thankyou so much for your reply.....I love travelling by train.

Are you able to give me any other information e.g.

possible times that the train leaves from Mostar to Sarajevo...Oct 23

I travelled to Sarajevo last May and fell in love with your city....it was only for a weekend about May 12 - 14 and weather was absolutely perfect...in fact hot.

Many thanks once again.




Hi Lizzy18,

We%26#39;re taking the train when we go there in May. There are two trains a day.....

Mostar 07.38 - Sarajevo 10.02

Mostar 18.40 - Sarajevo 20.59

This seems to be the same all year round but you can check at www.bahn.de (there%26#39;s a English version on there). I%26#39;ll let you know the exact cost when I get back if you like!


We just got back from Croatia. From Dubrovnik, we took a bus to Mostar. We went to Sarajevo for the day, taking the train there and a bus back. The bus is a better way to go - much of the same scenery for most of the trip, trains are old and allow smoking and they take the same amount of time. Schedules are not carved in stone, we found that going to the station and asking was significantly more accurate than websites as not all buses run on all days. From Mostar, we took a bus to Split and then had a rental car for the rest of the trip.

Hope this helps - if you have the time try to check out Slovenia, some of the prettiest country we saw on the whole trip.


Hey I%26#39;m doing wanting to do this train trip but the website doesn%26#39;t give a price - could you tell me how much the train costs?

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