Thursday, March 29, 2012

Shopping in Bosnia

What are some nice handicrafts to buy in Bosnia? Carpets? Brass? Are there any places to buy war memoribilia? What do the Bosniaks specialize in and what is something that can%26#39;t leave Bosnia without?

Thanks! :)


We walked through the Muslim market and I am trying to think of the things they were selling.. I bought myself a fez.... I also recall that there were helmets from th war and things like that for sale there.... lots of clothing, lots of artwork...can%26#39;t remember anything else.


Thanks for the reply - I am a fan of buying artwork from my travels and am intrigued by your description. What was the artwork like? Modern? Sarajevo scenes? And helmets from the war?? Really? How interesting...


There is lot of war memorabilia, like helmets, bullets, shells, etc. Also Bosnian national (folklore) clothes and old Bosnian jewelry. Carpets are mostly not original to my knowledge (they come from other countries like Turkey and Iran). Some small towns specialize in leather and wooden handicrafts, these can be found by the roads too.

Can%26#39;t think of anything more, but I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;ll find somethig special. :)


Thanks for the helpful reply. It sounds lovely. I would be very intrigued by the war memoribilia. How interesting. While I do have an affection for carpets, I think I overdid my purchases in Pakistan and in Turkey, so I will try my best not to succumb to my addiction. :)

If you have any store recommendations, I would love to hear them. If not, thank you anyway for your very helpful advice!

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