Tuesday, March 27, 2012

bus transfer from dubrovnik airport to dubrovnik


I am planning to travel to Medjugorje and I have a choice of two flights to Dubrovnik, one that arrives at 12.35 or one that arrives at 15.05.

I would prefer to get the second flight but is this enough time to catch the bus that leaves to Medjugorje at 17.15?

How long does it actually take to get out the airport, get to the bus station in Dubrovnik, get tickets etc? will I have enough time?

Any advice greatly appreciated



I would like to think that you could get to Dubrovnik in time out of the airport in that two plus hour time period. Usually it doesn%26#39;t take too long to get out of the airport in Dubrovnik- its pretty small. The drive into Dubrovnik itself will be about a half hour. For me I would rather get there earlier and not have to worry about any delays. You could get there early enough and have enough time to wander around Dubrovnik before departing to Medugorje.

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